
Let’s Talk

There are many reasons why we should talk:

  • You have a specific question or task that you would like to discuss – without immediately hiring an entire team.

  • You are stuck on a topic or problem and are looking for support.

  • You are planning the next year and want to be sure that you are setting the right priorities and not forgetting anything important.

  • You are looking for someone who can give an inspiring keynote speech for your team or company.

  • You have questions about topics on this website or have a different opinion and would like to discuss it.

  • You have discovered a spelling or grammatical error on my website and would like to notify me.

… and many more.


Feel free to contact me at any time. I look forward to talking to you.


UPPER RIGHT Brand Management Consulting

Alexander R. Schröder

+49 89 638 98 771
hello @

Peter-Wolfram-Str. 4
85540 Gronsdorf / Munich, Germany



UPPER RIGHT is always worth the trip. I look forward to your visit.